It is a compliance requirement to follow the University Procurement Policy when procuring goods and services using sponsored funds. Appendix B of the Procurement Policy gives a high-level table summarizing purchasing procedures for standard purchases. Additionally, you should pay attention to individual sponsor award terms and conditions to ensure that award procurement requirements are noted and followed.
Note: An addendum to the Procurement Policy regarding debarment documentation requirements is effective 04/27/2020 and is available on the Procurement Policy website. Please see the following resources:
- Finding the Funding Instrument for Sponsored Awards (.pdf document)
- Finding the Funding Instrument (video; login required)
- The 5 Ws of the Debarment Form (video; login required)
- The 5 Ws of the Vendor Justification Form (VJF) (video; login required)
- Updates to the Procurement Policy (info session recording) (video; login required)
- Decision Table for Vendor Justification and Debarment Forms (.pdf document)