Research Management Meeting

The Research Management Meeting (RMM) is a bi-monthly webinar style information dissemination meeting open to everyone within the sponsored research administrative community at Harvard. Topics include federal updates from the Harvard DC office, updates on policies, committee work, and systems, and information relating to the federal awarding agencies. Meetings are open to all colleagues across schools in the research administration community. Questions or suggestions? Contact Christina Kennedy

Wednesday, July 31, 2024, 11:00AM-12:00PM EST Register in advance


  • Updates on the MFTRP Implementation 
  • Planning for the OMB Uniform Guidance Allowed Increases in Equipment and Subcontract Thresholds
  • Managing the GMAS Research Teams

Save the Dates for future RMMs

RMM Resources

All current & past meeting materials are posted on the OSP Website RMM Meeting Resources.