About Us
Over the past decade, the research community has witnessed an evolution in the availability and generation of research data. In parallel, external sponsors and publishers have increasingly introduced more rigorous requirements for researchers to share supporting research data with the broader scientific community. As a result, researchers must navigate an increasingly complex regulatory environment to ensure research data are managed, utilized, and shared responsibly and in accordance with third party obligations, privacy regulations, and University policies related research data. The Research Data Compliance team offers a variety of administrative support services for investigators and research staff of the HMS/HSDM research community.
Refer to the ORA Research Data Support SharePoint for resources and guidance related to data acquisition & sharing, data use agreements (DUAs), compliance system support, and research data policies & procedures.
Areas of Support
Areas of Support:
- Data acquisition and sharing consultations
- Data use agreement (DUA) process support
- Compliance systems support (Agreements-DUA, Data Safety)
- Interpretation and implementation of requirements from data providers and data privacy regulations
- Guidance on HU/HMS research data policies
Which types of Harvard review (if any) are needed for your research data? Confirm using the Decision Tool
Refer to the ORA Research Data Support SharePoint for resources and guidance related to data acquisition & sharing, data use agreements (DUAs), compliance system support, and research data policies & procedures
Team Office Hours
Book a 30-minute consultation with one of the Research Data Compliance team members. For questions related to research data policies and processes, email your inquiry to the Research Data Compliance Team.