eRA Commons Two-factor Authentication

Update your accounts in 2022

eRA Commons Two-factor Authentication

Do you have multiple eRA accounts? You may need to contact eRA Service Desk. If you have a second eRA account that is scientific, call 866/504-9552 or 301/402-7469 to adjust your account and support authentication requirements. Scientific accounts are required to use two-factor authentication first, while administrative accounts can wait until mid-2022. If you do NOT have an eRA scientific account, there is nothing to do. Continue using two-factor authentication on administrative accounts. Refer to NOT-OD-21-172 for background info. The requirement depends on account type and a new triggering event. All PIs and key personnel associated with an application or RPPR are required to transition to “two-factor authentication,” 45 days after submission of competing grant applications. Reviewers are required to use two-factor authentication as soon as they are enabled. Review these resources: