Faculty Disclosure Presentation for Research Administrators
Changes to faculty disclosures for NIH & NSF
The Research Management Meeting held on Monday, January 10, 2022, highlighted changes to faculty disclosures for NIH and NSF. Tracey Westervelt, OSP Director of Research Finance, presented the training. The agenda included background information that prompted changes to faculty disclosures; process changes for NSF/NIH proposals and JIT submissions; and a demo of GMAS System Enhancements to facilitate the business process changes. All research administrators and anyone who assists faculty with grant proposals, biosketches, other support, current and pending documents, or RPPRs, are encouraged to view the recording (when it becomes available) if they were unable to attend the live webinar.
Faculty Disclosure Resources
Visit the OVPR website for Harvard resources on federal disclosures. Also go to the Harvard Training Portal (HTP) to participate in the online training Disclosing Other Support: Guidance for Faculty & Key Personnel. The University strongly encourages all researchers and administrators to take this training by January 25, 2022.