New Self-Paced Training Opportunities: NCURA Recorded Webinars

OSP is pleased to share two new NCURA recorded webinars now available for enrollment. These sessions offer valuable insights into essential topics in research administration.

The RPPR Matrix: Decoding and Problem Solving the NIH Progress Report System

OSP posted the RPPR Matrix Recorded Webinar hosted by NCURA. This session takes a detailed look at the NIH Progress Report (RPPR) process, section by section. It covers common errors, troubleshooting tips, and best practices to avoid pitfalls that could result in late or non-compliant submissions. Additional topics include SNAP vs. Non-SNAP RPPRs, Human Subjects reporting requirements, budget preparation in Section H, and differences between Annual, Interim, and Final reports.  

Learning Objectives:

  • Navigate and become familiar with each section of the RPPR
  • Troubleshoot error and warning messages
  • Correctly report personnel effort and unobligated balance
  • Advise PIs on other reporting components
  • Understand the process of preparing budgets in Section H

Export Controls for the Research Administrator

OSP posted the Export Controls for the Research Administrator recorded webinar hosted by NCURA. This session provides a comprehensive introduction to export controls and their relevance to research administration. Participants will learn to recognize key export control terms (EAR, ITAR, OFAC), identify red flags, and understand how to escalate concerns to an export control office. Real-world case studies will help solidify concepts. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the three major export control regulatory schemes and the exclusions applicable to academic institutions
  • Understand the Fundamental Research Exclusion and its benefits for universities
  • Gain familiarity with export-controlled research
  • Identify higher-risk situations requiring escalation to an export control office