The Office of Management & Budget (OMB) issued M-21-20, Promoting Public Trust in the Federal Government through Effective Implementation of the American Rescue Plan Act and Stewardship of the Taxpayer Resources, March 19, 2021. See appendix 3, Disaster Relief Flexibilities to Reduce Burden for Financial Assistance. Note pages 10-11, which specifies allowing Federal awarding agencies authority to grant exceptions to recipients affected by the pandemic as they deem appropriate and to the extent permitted by law. These exceptions apply not only to recipients with COVID-19 related Federal financial assistance awards, but also to recipients with assistance awards not related to COVID-19. Federal awarding agencies must specifically consider exceptions that advance racial equity and support for underserved communities. According to the Council on Governmental Relations (COGR) it's significant that the flexibilities mirror many of the flexibilities included in March 19, 2020 M-20-17. However, the larger value in M-21-20 may be the application of flexibilities to awards not related to COVID-19. Watch for more details and information.