The updated Procurement Policy is now effective. Documents can be found on the Office of the Controller’s website. Access the documents and additional resources through the Office for Sponsored Programs website. Updates include:
An increase in the Micropurchase Threshold (MPT) from $10,000 to $50,000.
Debarment forms are only required for purchases on federal contracts equal to or greater than $35,000. Visit the OSP Procurement Policy webpage for information on finding the funding instrument for sponsored awards.
Vendor Justification Forms must be completed for all purchases with federal funds greater than $50,000, even if the purchase is with a preferred vendor.
All federal purchases equal to or greater than $35,000 or over $50,000 will require an electronic acknowledgement in the Buy-to-Pay system to ensure the requestor has considered, and completed if necessary, VJF and Debarment requirements.