Winter Recess: HMS ORA Deadlines

Research Administration-Related Items

HMS will be closed for the Winter Recess starting on Thursday, December 22, 2022 and reopen on Tuesday, January 3, 2023. Please be aware of the following deadlines for research administration-related items:

  • Proposals & Other Submissions: Per the HMS Sponsored Submission Deadline Policy and in order to allow for review, corrections, and successful submission to the sponsor, proposals and other submissions with sponsor due dates between 12/22/22 and 1/2/23 must be complete, locked, routed, and signed in GMAS no later than 5:00 PM on Wednesday, December 14, 2022. Note also that proposals due between 1/3/23 and 1/9/23 must also be locked, routed, and signed in GMAS at least five full non-holiday business days prior to the sponsor due date (e.g. proposals due to sponsor on 1/3/23 must be routed to ORA by 12/15/2022). To help plan for appropriate coverage, please enter a GMAS "shell" as soon as possible for any submissions due in December 2022 and January 2023.
  • New Accounts: Requests for set-up of new accounts needed prior to the start of break (including at-risk accounts) should be submitted by 12:00 PM on Monday, December 19, 2022.
  • Awards & Other Agreements: Please note that any award documents and related agreements (including outgoing subawards) requiring signature prior to January 3, 2023, must be received for review as soon as practicable. We will do our best to accommodate sponsor requirements. However, we ask that any awards contingent on being finalized by year end are also received for review by Wednesday, December 14, 2022.
  • Export Control Reviews and Personal Outside Foreign Agreement Reviews: Reviews of outgoing international shipments, visa deemed export control certification forms, and personal outside foreign agreement reviews that must be completed prior to January 3, 2023 should, to the extent possible, be sent to by 9:00 AM on Tuesday, December 13, 2022. If an urgent item arises after this deadline, please be sure to let us know the source of the urgency and need-by date when submitting the item for review.